Credibility of Video

The graph shows ratings of the video's credibility among four different audience groups:

  • Community #1: Members of the African American community recruited in one Sacramento (CA) neighborhood
  • Campus: African American students at Sacramento-area colleges
  • Community #2: Members of the African American community recruited in a second Sacramento neighborhood
  • Non-Black: Non-Hispanic White, Asian-American, and Latino college students.

The ratings were based on 100-point scales, with higher scores indicating more credibility. The three African American audience groups rated the video featuring a White announcer who delivered a multicultural message ("White/Multi") as the least credible. They rated the video with a Black announcer delivering a message that was culturally specific to African Americans ("Black/AfrAm") as the most credible. The video featuring a Black announcer with a multicultural message ("Black/Multi") was rated higher than the White announcer, but less favorably than the culturally specific video.

The non-Black student group rated the three videos as equally credible.

As shown below, the same pattern was observed in ratings of the video's technical quality, its overall appeal, and the announcer's credibility and attractiveness.


Technical Quality of Video



Overall Evaluation of Video



Announcer Credibility



Announcer Attractiveness


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